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Veterans Benefits
Retirement Income and Retirement Plan Rollovers
Retirement income planning is critical in today's world for today's retirees and future retirees. Corporate
pensions were once the foundation of retirement income. Corporate pensions are virtually non-existent
today except for a few career paths. Today retirement income planning starts very early on with making
and maximizing retirement plan contributions as early as possible. Social Security benefit planning is vital in
establishing a good solid foundation that the rest of the retirement income plan will be built. Maximizing the
households lifetime Social Security income benefit takes a thorough understanding of the many types of
benefits that Social Security offers. Since pensions are disappearing, retirement income plans typically rely
on some of the following to help supplement income needs; dividend paying stocks, bonds, annuities,
preferred stocks, and a variety of other investments necessary to meet clients’ income needs.
To rollover or not to rollover, that is the question. A retirement plan rollover can provide significant
benefits, but there also could be a downside to a rollover. Knowing what's right for you is part of deciding
to rollover or not to rollover. A benefit of a rollover is the possibility of having many more investment
options available to you. However, some of these options may have a higher cost than your employer
sponsored retirement plan. Before rolling over a retirement plan, make sure you are working with a
knowledgeable Adviser. You may qualify for Net Unrealized Appreciation, NUA. NUA is a strategy that
may produce a tax benefit to you. Be careful to understand what your expenses will be after making the
rollover. You need to know both direct expenses and hidden expenses such as 12b-1 fees. It's also
important for your Adviser to be really working for you. You want your Adviser to have a "fiduciary
standard" to you and not just a "suitability standard". There is a big difference between the two, know the
difference. Asset Protection Group, LLC has a fiduciary standard that we must meet for all of our clients.