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(706) 669-4466
Asset Protection Group, LLC is a registered investment advisory firm that is independent. The term
"Independent" can mean several things. Our definition of "independent" is being free from the influence and,
at times, the direct and/or indirect pressure by a Broker Dealer to recommend a certain type of product to a
Client. This type of influence or strong "suggestion" does exist. By working with a truly Independent Financial
Advisor you can greatly minimize this type of conflict. By working with Asset Protection Group, recommended
products are based on your unique situation and financial goals. Not some type of quota that needs to be met.
By working with a Certified Financial Plannertm you can be confident that you are working with someone who is
also bound to a "Fiduciary Standard" versus just a "Suitability Standard". These two standards are very
different. The fiduciary standard was developed as part of the Investment Advisors Act of 1940. Investment
Advisors can be regulated by the SEC or state securities regulators, these two entities hold advisors to a fiduciary
standard that requires them to put their client's interest above their own interest.
Advisors who work for a Broker-dealer only have to fulfill a suitability obligation, which is defined as making
recommendations that are consistent with the best interests of the underlying client. Instead of having to place
his or her interests below that of the client, the suitability standard only requires that the broker-dealer has to
reasonably believe that any recommendations made are suitable for the clients, based on the client's financial
objectives and needs. An important difference in terms of loyalty is critical, in that the broker's duty is to the
broker-dealer he/she works for, not the client they work for. Select your Advisor wisely.